Can I order a sample?
- Yes,
we offer up to 5 different samples free of charge per order, delivered
directly to you. There is never a shipping charge within the Greater
Toronto area.
How are samples shipped?
- All
samples are shipped via our own company representative. All samples are
pre cleaned and free of any contaminates.
Are your samples an actual
piece of the product?
- Yes, all of our samples are actual tile samples. We reserve the
right to send smaller swatches where the aesthetic value will not affect
your decision making process. We do
our best to ship the size you have requested but that is not always
possible due to shipping constraints and availability. We will ship as
close to the requested size as possible.
Will all of my samples arrive
We strive to ship all your
samples at one time, however this is not always possible. We will do our best
to ensure you receive your samples within 48 hours of ordering.
Do samples need to be returned?
- No,
the samples are yours to keep.
We offer a free sample policy and
shipping is included in the greater Toronto Area
1. Samples can be added to your cart by clicking the “Get Free Sample” button
on the product page. If a sample button is not listed then a sample tile is not
available for that item.
2. You may order up to 5 individual samples at one time. (No duplicate tiles)
and we limit one sample of each product per household or commercial project.
3. We do ship free samples outside the greater Toronto area, but a freight
charge would apply which is determined by UPS based on the amount of samples
and where you are located.
4. Your samples may ship from multiple locations and one sample order may have
multiple deliveries. We try to accommodate your request for a specific size,
but that is not always possible. We will send a sample as close to the size
requested as possible.
5. Once you have decided to place an order, you may do so on the Quick Floors website.
6. Before we process your order, a
return email will be sent to you confirming your sample order.
7. If you have any questions about our sample policies please contact one of our customer service representatives by email at: [email protected].